Your Support will help ETWA achieve

The Fair Futures vision of embedding international fair trade standards into the production environment in Timor-Leste to empower the thousands of women who rely on hand-weaving as their main livelihood.

By supporting Fair Futures you’ll join a network of people committed to ethical business practices in Timor-Leste.

Donations are invested into the communities we support for:

  • Business and product development
  • Training and equipment
  • Administration support and resources
  • and much, much more
Are you in the United States?

Donate via Global Giving

GlobalGiving is 501 non-profit organization based in the United States that provides a global crowdfunding platform for grassroots charitable projects.


Latest Reports

Up to date reporting on how your donations have helped Fair Futures achieve it's aims:

Dear supporters,

Apologies for our long silence. In accordance with the 12 month mourning period in Timor-Leste, we put our reporting on hold after Ilda was involved in a horrendous bus accident. She survived but sadly, she lost her young son. Thankfully, Ilda has recovered and returned to work and LO’UD is now back in full swing.

With goverment land secured and 50% of the funding needed, they’re almost ready to build their Business Sustainability Centre.

So here’s a shout out to you on LO’UD’s behalf.

Buy a textile for a loved one this Christmas or donate through Global Giving to help LO’UD seize this golden opportunity! Profits from YOUR PURCHASE or DONATION will be invested in LO’UD’s Business Sustainability Centre.


The ETWA Team!