Fair Futures for LO'UD Women in Timor-Leste

Our blue-sky thinking around sustainability, which helped LO’UD embed cultural norms and international fair trade standards into their production environment to empower members who rely on hand-weaving as their main livelihood.

ETWA has a big heart for rural women in Timor-Leste.

As a small Australian not-for-profit our volunteers have a direct connection with the communities of women we work with and our people-to-people approach has cultivated life-changing opportunities for members of the LO’UD Cooperative, our key partner in Timor-Leste.

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Textile Lovers Shop Here

Our textiles are:

  • Hand Woven 100% Cotton
  • All natural, Plant Dyed Colours
  • Fairly Traded & Produced
  • Profits invested in creating Fairer Futures

All LO’UD textiles are carefully hand-woven using plant-dyed cotton. Why? Because it makes so much sense! From health benefits for weavers to ecological benefits for future generations, the process preserves culture, simplifies the supply chain and utilizes local resources, whist producing the most delicious textiles just for you!

What's News

Building for a sustainable future

LO’UD Cooperative have reached many major milestones over the last decade, and recently, their most pressing need for a central office and workspace in Lospalos became a reality. This is how ETWA and our partners put your donations to work. Through the support of multiple organisations and the Timor-Leste Government, LO'UD now have a space to create!


October 17, 2023

Arte Tais Husi LO’UD

Australian War Memorial Tais Commission 2021-2023. Inspired by ETWA’s short documentary film, Heru Ini Lafu, a curator at the Australian War Memorial reached out to ETWA to explore the possibility of commissioning Tais from LO’UD that could speak to themes of independence, and women’s role in peace and nation building. After conversations over many months, an agreement between ETWA and the Memorial was formalised in late 2021.
September 10, 2023

Tais Listed on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List

Traditional Timorese textiles known as 'Tais' were added to UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding on the 15th of December 2021. The application was made by the Secretary of State for Art and Culture of Timor-Leste in 2020, and community consultations included weavers from Iliomar.

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