Film Credits
June 10, 2014
The Kindcraft Article
May 5, 2015We extend our gratitude to our partners and sponsors for their on-going support and sponsorship. From the beneficiaries of our projects and the whole ETWA team.
Obriagadu Barak
(Many Thanks)
Sponsors of this campaign:
- LO’UD Cooperative
- Airnorth
- Australian Ethical
- Liman TL
- Peer Productions
- Arte Moris
- Global Giving
- Jeitu
ETWA, LO’UD Cooperative, AVI (Australian Volunteers International), Airnorth, Peer Productions, Arte Moris, Liman TL, Jeitu, Global Giving, Australian Ethical,
Our broader network of ongoing Sponsors:
- AusAId
- TL Government
- Habitat
- Borderlands
- Rotary
- Digital Pacific
- Posio
- Go Volunteer
- Travel Giver
- Timor Aid
- Timor adventures
- TimorLink
- Suco Ida
- Bonecas de Atauro
- Alola
- Manado
AusAID, Government of Timor-Leste, TimorAid, FTAANZ (Fair Trade Association of Australia & New Zealand), FTNTL (Fair Trade Network of Timor-Leste), Habitat Uniting Church, Habitat for Humanity, Borderlands Coop, Oases ACWW, CWA, Rotary International, AFN (Australian to Timor Friendship Network), Digital Pacific, Podio, ATA, Go Volunteer, Timor Adventures, Travel Giver, Boncas de Atauro, Alola Foundation, Manado, Suco Ida, Timor Link, Wild Timor Coffee,
Photography Marcus Salvagno | May 2014